terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012

The Land of No-One

I tend to feel helplessly alone
No matter how crowded my heart is
There will always be a hole
Unable to be filled...

The End

I've left some dead people on the way
I've left myself dead too, somehow
Along the roads I've been tripping on
Along the lives I've tripped on

I should feel bad, I know
I should try to fix my wrongs
But what kind of dead would I be?
If I've been looking for brains
Then brains I'll eat

Some people have left their mark
On memories, on hearts
On skins...
I leave my mark in the air
So the wind can blow and I'm gone
'Cause no good could come from me
But no evil either
What kind of dead would I be
Leaving pieces all over the place?

No notes, my dear
Nothing to blame on
No suffering, no
No bad people, no
No bad life,
Nothing's missing
Nothing but my soul

So the wind blows...

Not the End

A dark room filled with dark creatures
And their dark hearts filled with pure evil
And their dark thoughts coloring the sky
With black and blue
Black and blue everywhere

And for those too good to have dark hearts
They're granted with dark souls
Dark unknown pasts from other lives
And stuff...
Stuffed feelings everywhere

And dark heads spinning in this dark world
And wild lives living their guts out
And darkness, darkness! Everywhere
With heads spinning and all...

They see dark lights shadowing faces
They see dark lives dying in holes
And there are holes everywhere
Filled with darkness...
With heads spinning and all...

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012

All Over

I've got no time to waste
But I keep waiting...
Death's all over
All over

I breathe
Then I don't
But I keep waiting
And Death's all over
All over

I count to three
And cross my heart...
I keep waiting
Cause Death's all over
All over me

Neither Life nor Death

A lightning struck somewhere
A tree, a head, a heart
A body falling to the floor

A stroke, maybe, some tears,
A dead loved one
Being carried by the storm

Someone told me
How hard it is for those
Who still stay in the Labyrinth

Why am I staying?

I'm not guilty
But they're destroying me
They're my pain...

Because I am one of those
To whom it hurts to stay

Am I ever going to scape
The Labyrinth?
Am I ever...

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012

The Monsters Inside My Closet

I promise not to falter...

I promise my words...

I offer
My dignity,
My forgiveness,
The shadows crossing my face...

I have a dark heart,
Purple veins,
And arteries
To be cut

I promise my blood,
Shed on the floor
Or dripping from my heart...

It's completely up to you...

I'll pay attention
To dark alleys
And unlocked doors

And I offer my safety
Because it's not that important anyway...

I have a glass, a bottle
And tears on my face...

Would you feel safe now?
Looking down the hill
And they're coming after you
For your dark heart, and purple veins
And dripping blood...

I know I don't.
And I run
And I falter
And my promises breaking
'Cause my safety is that important after all...

Would you feel safe now?
Feeling them getting under your skin,
Eating your guts,
Because of your dark heart
And purple veins
And dripping blood...

Are there tears on your face?

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2012


I don't know you
Not now, not then
And probably, I'll never do

The pieces of you
I came to know
Were merely that:

I discovered, dear
How I want you
The whole you
Gentle and sour
Wicked and bewitching
Because you're the
Perfect balance

You should know, then
How messed up
All this is
How messed up I am
For myself
And how messed up are
Both of us together

We've been marked to death
And we've passed through
The world, the fears
And the demons
Eating from inside

Forgive me if I'm wrong
This is product of
Complete desperation
And being so
It tends to uselessness

But if I'm right
I'm turning to you
And I'm falling to my knees
And I'm offering you
All I have
Take all you want
My tender devotion
My cruel take-backs
My bitter unrequited love...

All I want in return is you
True and whole
Dark and enlightened
With heartless despise
Ruthless responses
And this sweet poison
Of yours...

quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012


I saw the light, once
I lived in there
Impregnated with its sweet touch

How could God leave me?
Why did He, the Almighty
Give me choice?
I saw the flames, I felt them
So warm...

They showed me beauty
They showed me love...
I wanted to touch and feel
And live and take things for myself...

How could He leave me?
The flames showed me the sins...
And God, I wanted them so bad!

Then I was burning
The flames, the flames!
So much pain, so much...
Dear God, I was lost...
And they whispered
I've made my choice...

I've got beauty, yes
I've got love
I've touched
I've sinned
I've felt
And lived
And took things for myself...

But the flames...
They took my everything
My soul, my wings
My light...

I saw the light once, yes
I still remember its touch...

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

O Mal da Mente

Se minhas memórias perdurassem
Agora estaria eu mesma prosseguindo
Se minhas pausas não fossem tão eternas
Haveria um caminho a seguir, sim

Então me pergunto
O porquê de tanta crueldade
Nesse coração escuro

Os meus gritos ecoam,
Nessa fenda sem fundo
Que se abre em mim
Meus demônios internos
Me atacando em bandos
Arrancando pedaços...

Onde era minha carne
Minha vida, meu ser...
Fui me esvaindo...

Venho sentindo então
A amargura do luto
O luto de mim mesma
Que me deixei morrer, sem culpa...

Mas sendo tarde como é
Já abracei a solidão
E o nevoeiro da mente
Cada vez mais denso
Enquanto vou partindo...

domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012

'D' for the devil

God, forgive me
For I've sinned

I have my share of promisses
That have always been broken
Just like my soul

I've tasted good
I've tasted evil
And both are as appealing as they seem

But I only hear the devil's whispers inside my head.

While I touched,
While I felt
And craved for
And imagined
Oh God, he took me to Heavens...

And I fell.

sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012


Em um só sopro
Solto, suave sobre a pele
É ação, é reação
É arrepio
É também corpo vazio
De mente hormonal

Reflexo no plano
Ou objeto real
Não se sabe
Nos teus olhos eu vejo
Ou tu vês em mim
O fogo no frio
Ou faca com o gume sem fio

E tu, conservado
Do mal que me domina
Guardado em redoma
Te alimento com o que tenho
Essa desculpa de amor
Que me resta
Que foi tudo o que restou

Das tuas pétalas vivazes,
Meu terno amor,
Suguei a luz
Para então te ver
Procurar salvação
Entre a espada e a cruz

Te parasitando, não encontrei
Nenhuma gota de vida
Que pudesse manter a minha...
O que é uma pena, de certo
Mas não vejo, então, nenhum motivo
Pra te ter por perto...

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

Moving On

I found my place, my sense
The essence of having me inside myself
I'm free, a newborn
Finally not in pieces
Like I'd been before

I have ordinary anxieties now
Just like everyone else seems to.
That and more made me free
I found my place, my sense
The essence of having myself inside me

Shame on you
Who tried to bring me down
I've grown strong on my bases
And so I'll be from now

No illusion of death
Can reach me anymore
No illusion of dominance
Can strike you true, to holiness
You've been there
And fell
Like you've been destined to,
Like I've been destined to, once
And overcame.

There must be love somewhere
But not around anymore
This love is dead and gone
For good.

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

Eternal Sacrifice of the Soul

I'll get this dagger
Just for you, sweetie
And I'll put it in my heart
For the pleasure of...
Dying, you know?

I have to take some of this blood
And I'll get you a gift of heavens
Wouldn't it be awesome, dear?
I'll get you a present! From heavens!

Yes, yes, they told me about it
And I agreed, of course!
How wouldn't I?
Wouldn't I get some blood
To get you this purely-made gift?

I even got it right, here's the dagger
But I guess... Would you mind to...?
I just...
Wait a minute, I-...

Oh, sweetie, get yourself down here...
Yes, take my blood
They promissed me the heavens...
But just get it yourself...
I won't... You know?
It's just...

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

I Opened My Eyes...

And now I can finally see...

Could You Do That For Me?

I remember you...
As a heavenly creature

You were so pure
To my memory
I just couldn't keep it
I couldn't do it...

But you still stayed
And it was fine for me
Until you wanted to dig
And fill the empty spaces inside me
With your shattered heart

I remember you
As one remembers one great
Big cup of hot coffee
Tasting so good while it lingers...

But what's left after the flavor's gone?
Nothing would be ever enough for me
Nothing would remain then
Besides the bittersweet memory of your taste

I'm not complaining, though
I'll give the memory of you its space
My dear Nephilim...
So you shall leave now...

When One's Plans Work

Shut the fuck up, you should say
I'm getting nasty, and boring
And you get more interesting by minute
What are you doing with a junk like me?

Save me, my dear bloodsucker followers
I want to get out of this cave
And finally die in peace

Some More Whining

Something contorts inside me
Is it sort of a pain?
More of a word, actually
Trying to come out
Or a backstab trying to transpass my heart...
I wouldn't know...

I got some paper towels in front of me
In case this wants to come out
I won't have blood spilled all over my room
I don't want it to get all messed up...

And talking about messed up...
What a life, huh?

An Oh-so-long Story of Two Poor Things

Oh, that's a long story
Let's get a sit, shall we?

There was this thing
And there was this other one
Unaware of each other

They were put together somehow
By force, probably
Or not

But, at the end, it just couldn't be
So they were put apart
And that worked well

You see, those poor things
Got used to being together by force
And somehow they managed
To pretend they were side by side
(Head inside head, most probably)

They were two talking minds by then
One inside the other
And finally being just one

What a mess it was
A mess indeed!
The two things must be two!
Not just one, certainly

That's outrageous! (Someone yelled)
That was, yeah
The one thing became two again


But then, I told you
Those poor things...

There was this number, you see?
And there was a new one
And they were switched, to dreams
Both things became just one again
Mind to mind

The sad thing is
It was filled with joy
Just to be ripped apart...

...Ah, but they're doing just fine now...

If "fine" means dying on the inside.

domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

A Vida Como A Vida É

Peguei este papel, sim
E pus tudo em pranto
Para que a tinta jorre
E a marca d'água se finque

Que a dor da decepção não me engula,
Que o choque ainda me desce a garganta
E arranha...

Lutarei sim por um final
Não o que todos merecem,
Tão digno que é,
Mas o meu
Adornado de pecado
E um ou outro sentimento ruim...

quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

For The One Who Rules My Heart

I always saw more than your eyes show
And you know that

I can't say that what I see is true
Since my mind travels most of the time
But I see more, indeed

And I can say
You are not that bright, you know
You're not that shining, although
People see it in your eyes

You learned, with life, to steal a spark
And make it shine more than it should

You are a genius , indeed
A master of acting and modification
But not a star, really
Never the star...

I still would take you with me
Take you clothes off of my bed

But still, you wouldn't be a star...
Never the star...

Take Yourself to Rest

You ought to take a breath
And look inside your eyes
On the mirror

Maybe you can finally see
What others say they see in you

But you might also only confirm
Your deepest fear
Of being exactly what you always thought
You were...

quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

Crystal Clear

Aqui venho para deixar claro
(O mais claro que me é possível)
Que todos os risos
E gritos
Que me tocaram os lábios
Durante todo a vida
Nunca deixarão de fazer parte
Da complexidade que me esculpe...
A cada dia, a cada hora, a cada fôlego...
E é por tudo isso que respiro...
Que fique claro...

There Was Light Inside

My eyes wouldn't work
There was no light
To reflect and return

But sensitivity worked well
There was hot and cold
And then cold no more

Entwined arms and legs
Would embrace two bodies
And tie them up together

But I'm no fool
The first will be last
And the last is yet to come...

Then breath
May it be pleasure
Or relief...


Once I heard about meanings
But I didn't mean to
It came for me
It chased me...
And how mean I was...

Some people heard about meanings
And started coloring lives
In shades of red and blue
They came for me
They begged me...
And how mean I was...

Then I heard about meaningless lives
And I came for them
I colored them all
In shades of blue and white...
I came for them, I begged
For their pain...
But it was too late
And how meaningless I was...

sábado, 5 de maio de 2012

Se os Últimos Minutos Doessem Como a Vida

Veio, então, a luz:

Fui varrida para a beira do precipício
Vendo a luz que me esperava lá embaixo

Depois, veio a escuridão:

Com toda a fúria que as trevas têm
Fui derrubada em sua essência

E o calor:

Tormento e líquido embaraçavam meu cabelo
Que, solto, chicoteava os gritos ecoados no abismo...

Então, por fim, veio o frio
Que o corpo rígido abraçou
Com seu último suspiro...

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Que Assim Seja...

Retire de mim toda essa melancolia
Que me entorpece cada vez mais a alma
Embeba meu corpo com sua doçura
E resgate da solidão os meus pedaços

Mas que minha alma morta de frio
Sugue teu calor de sol da manhã
E te jogue nos abismos profundos
Do deprezo que tanto te seduz

Mas, ah! não me devolva esse martírio
Que já me é inerente, por séculos e séculos
Te cuspirei de volta aos teus pesadelos
Que também te engolirão vivos...

...Não me jogue aos meus pesadelos
Que eles também me engulirão...

terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2012

It Would Be A Great Idea Running Away To Mexico

Lately, I've been down
And forced to accept,
Swallow and smile to
All this crap around me

Lately, I've been sworn
To some wills
And words
I never said

Lately, I've been full
Of life, being it reality or
Mind fabrications

Although, those are the only things
That separate me from Death
If you add them to words that feed,
Nachos and bottles of tequila...

terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

Take Your Lessons and Learn

Go swimming with the fishes, darling
But only in the waters of your dreams
There are lots and lots of fishermen out there
Looking for a random ingenuity to murder

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

E Na Hora do Conselho...

Ah, não faças tanto estardalhaço!
A noite só começou e os lobos já estão soltos
Pelas ruas e becos e bares

Mas não descarregues teu ódio neles
Eles estão lá para isso, querida
Roubar teu coração é tirar doce de criança

Mas então, se fazes tanta questão
Põe tua melhor roupa e vai à caça
Esses lobos são todos loucos
Por uma lascividade.

sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012


I could even tear the cold out of my body
But the shiver would continue to haunt
Up and down my spine

I could even absorb these souls floating about
But the whispers are too loud for me
In and out my ears

I could even stay alive for some more time
But my shell doesn't get the right food
From this alien evironment...

Excuse me, sir, but your arguments are invalid...

Por Onde Andei

Carregando o peso na consciência
E levando o coração rasgado
Onde os pecados constroem torres
Para ver promessas de perna curta
Cruzando a linha de chegada...

quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

Retorce Teu Corpo

A noite prolonga-se no (quase) silêncio
No vai-e-vem das ondas
No sussurro do vento
No frio afável...

Mas só do lado de fora...
Por dentro, há só o fogo
A fazer de lenha o coração
E todas as carícias trocadas
Por dois pares de mãos urgentes

E então, quando o fogo se extingue
As cinzas desnudas da carne
Sobrevoam céu afora
Para servir de berço para a Fênix
De outros amantes...

segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012

Quando A Alma Pede Um Pouco Mais de Solidariedade

Pegue minha carne e dilacere toda ela
Nos milhões de pedaços que não pertencem
A mim ou a ninguém que a queira

Transforme todas as minhas palavras em lixo
E procure a fraquezas de todas as que digo forte
Esfregue tudo na minha cara, só para me ferir

Deixa-te a ti mesmo ser alguém que importe
Que aí quando realmente quiseres tal importância
Estarás a um passo de atingir teu paraíso...